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What is app install fraud? - Impact

Performance fraud, unpacked

Performance fraud targets both web and mobile environments — but what is it? How does it work? What does it look like? Knowledge is power, so take a look at this animated gallery of web and app-based fraud techniques and gain control.

Hero Graphic
Web attribution fraud
Lead gen fraud
Install attribution fraud
Install fraud


Install fraud

Bad actors game advertisers’ CPI campaigns by collecting revenue for driving suspicious app installs where installers have zero intention of actually using the app.

Install fraud

Fraud techniques

Web Fraud Graphic

Web fraud

Web attribution

Click spoofing
Hidden landing pages
Image embedding
Sneaky redirects
Toolbar injection

Lead gen

Bot fraud (clicks)
Device spoofing
Incentivized traffic
Recycled/stolen information
Unapproved network syndication
Mobile Fraud Graphic

Mobile fraud

Install attribution

Click flooding
Click injection
Click spoofing


Device ID reset marathons
Inauthentic engagement
Incentivized traffic
Proxy tunneling
Install farms
Close Category Tab
Install fraud


Install fraud

Bad actors game advertisers’ CPI campaigns by collecting revenue for driving suspicious app installs where installers have zero intention of actually using the app.

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