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Starter Edition Course for Building Partnerships on impactwebchina.wpengine.com

Keen to dip your toes into the partnerships ecosystem? Begin with the impactwebchina.wpengine.com Starter Edition program! Enroll here for details on what to expect when you sign up.

Who is this for?

What you'll learn?

Course overview

impact.com Starter Edition is an easy-to-use, low-cost software tailored for brands to get their affiliate marketing programs off the ground within minutes. In this brief course, you’ll learn about the arsenal of useful tools brands can use for managing their partnerships, like newsletters, creative assets, and advanced reporting and tracking. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Explain the purpose of impactwebchina.wpengine.com Starter Edition.
  • Implement the self-service setup.
  • Use newsletters.
  • Explain pricing and billing.
  • Apply recruitment techniques outside of the platform.
  • Create text links, banner and image ads, promo codes.
Course details
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Course curriculum

Lesson 1
The Starter Edition Sign-Up Experience
Coady Joy
Head of Affiliate & Partnership Education at PXA
Coady Joy

This simplified program onboarding and launch experience will get you to your business goals faster, so you can start creating partner-driven revenue. Click below to learn more!

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Lesson 2
Features of the Starter Edition
Coady Joy
Head of Affiliate & Partnership Education at PXA
Coady Joy

Keen to understand some of the features that you will have available with the Starter Edition. Click below to learn more!

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