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impact.com Product Training – Fundamentals

New to the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform and feeling overwhelmed? Take this course! You’ll be familiarized with the fundamentals of the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform from both the advertiser’s and the partner’s perspectives.

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Course overview

This course is an introduction to the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform. You’ll learn the very basics of the platform—like how to navigate through it, what the partner and advertiser views look like, and all the cool ways you can manage every stage in the Partnerships Life Cycle—so you can get ahead of the affiliates and partnerships game.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Identify the navigation elements of the platform.
  • Understand how each phase of the Partnerships Life Cycle can be enacted in the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform.
  • Define how the partner and advertiser views of the platform tie together.
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Course curriculum

Lesson 1
Dashboard and Navigation

Managing a thriving partnership program takes much more than just getting partners to sign on the dotted line—it’s about cultivating a relationship. And each stage of that relationship needs special attention. So, let's journey through the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform as it relates to each phase of the Partnerships Life Cycle. Take this lesson to learn about the impactwebchina.wpengine.com Dashboard and how to navigate the platform at a high level.

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Lesson 2
Discover and Recruit

First up, let's talk about the features of impactwebchina.wpengine.com that support discovering and recruiting the perfect partner. This phase of the Partnerships Life Cycle is all about finding partnerships that align with a brand's strategy and recruiting them to join the brand's program.

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Lesson 3
Contract and Pay

Contract and Pay is a phase of the Partnerships Life Cycle that is fundamental to impactwebchina.wpengine.com's value proposition. It encapsulates a single, centralized suite for brands and partners to keep track of their contracts with one another—plus, they can lean on impactwebchina.wpengine.com as a global clearinghouse. There are quite a few things involved in Contract and Pay. Take this lesson to learn more.

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Lesson 4

Tracking happens mostly behind the scenes, but it is a crucial stage in the Partnerships Life Cycle. It's here where brands can attribute sales to the correct partners. Let's see tracking and attribution at work on the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform!

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Lesson 6

Engage is pretty straightforward, but it requires a gracious touch—it refers to nurturing relationships with partners to make sure they're as productive as can be. Check out this lesson to see how brands can engage with partners via the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform.

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Lesson 6
Protect and Monitor

This phase of the Partnerships Life Cycle is all about exposing fraud in a brand's conversion paths and cutting out invalid traffic. This is how a brand ensures that all the hard work it puts into planning its program doesn't fall victim to suspicious actors.

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Lesson 7

Finally, we reach the last stage in the Partnerships Life Cycle—Optimize. It's all about using in-depth reporting to devise the most powerful ways to improve a brand's relationships with its partners. impactwebchina.wpengine.com has a robust reporting suite just for this.

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Lesson 8
Partner Dashboard and Navigation

What do partners see when they log in to impactwebchina.wpengine.com? Brand account managers would benefit from looking at the platform through a partner's lens—especially because it's the first step new partners take in getting started! Let's take a look at the publisher, or partner, view of impactwebchina.wpengine.com's dashboard.

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Lesson 9
Publisher View of Brands

Partners join impactwebchina.wpengine.com for one major reason—to find and partner with brands. They can do this super quickly and easily on the platform.

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Lesson 10
Publisher Reporting and Finance

Partners typically have plenty of burning questions when they join impactwebchina.wpengine.com, many of which are about finance. Here, we'll take a look at reporting and finance information for partners.

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