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Engage: impactwebchina.wpengine.com Expert Product Training

Do you want to maximize your engagement with your partners and leverage the optimal use cases of the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform? Then this is the right course for you. This course will demonstrate how brands can implement advanced marketing techniques to foster engagement with their partners by enacting the advanced use cases of the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform Engage feature.

Who is this for?

What you'll learn?

Course overview

impact.com’s Engage feature offers sophisticated tools for affiliate partnership collaboration, like product catalogs, downloadable message lists and templates, and customizable ads—including repurposing those ads to cater to different partners’ specific needs. In this course, you’ll learn how brands can implement these tools and other advanced marketing techniques to foster engagement with their partners.

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • Work with message lists and apply messaging best practices and management tactics.
  • Create and customize various types of ads to engage with partners directly on the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform.
  • Understand strategies for organizing, maintaining, and repurposing ad ideas.
  • Foster engagement through product catalog use cases, best practices, and management tactics.
Course details
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