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Discover & Recruit: Affiliate & Partnerships Industry Training – Associate Course

Struggling with recruiting the right partners into your program? Jump into the Discover and Recruit phase of the Partnerships Life Cycle!

Who is this for?

What you'll learn?

Course overview

This course is all about finding and recruiting potential partners to empower a brand to reach and indirectly engage with its target audience. Discover and Recruit, the first stage of the Partnerships Life Cycle, involves figuring out the perfect partner mix for a given brand and striving to align partner and brand goals to cultivate productive partnerships. 

By the end of this course, you will be able to:

  • What types of partnerships exist, including foundational affiliates, content partners, and strategic B2B partnerships
  • How best to work with each type
  • Benefits and drawbacks of each type of partner
  • How to align your partnerships mix with your program goals and competitive research
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Course curriculum

Lesson 1
Setting the Stage

Let's set the stage and discuss how we should think about various partners.

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Lesson 2
Foundational Affiliates

Take this lesson to learn about the different types of foundational affiliates.

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Lesson 3
Growth Partners

Now that you have built an understanding of foundational affiliates, let’s dive into Growth Partners.

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Lesson 4
Emerging Models
PXA Logo

This lesson covers emerging partner models.

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Lesson 5
Defining the Desired Partner Mix

This lesson covers how to decide on a partner mix.

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