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Contract & Pay

Welcome to the Partnerships Experience Academy Contract and Pay Associate course. This course will explain the “Contracts” and “Finance” features of the impactwebchina.wpengine.com platform.

Who is this for?

What you'll learn?

Course overview
  • Demonstrate an understanding of template terms in the ‘Contracts’ section.
  • Use Template Terms to create a public template contract term.
  • Analyze each component within the Contract builder and its function.
  • Relate the Contracting section of the platform to a brand’s payments and invoicing schedule.
  • Assess the uses of each of the tabs in the ‘Finance’ section.
Course details
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Course curriculum

Lesson 1
Contracts: Template Terms
Lesson 2
Contracts: Creating a Contract
Lesson 3
Finance: Deposits, Transfers and Reports
Lesson 4
Finance: Documents
Lesson 5
Finance: Settings