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Discover & Recruit: impactwebchina.wpengine.com Expert Product Training

So, you can feel your way around impactwebchina.wpengine.com’s Discover suite, but now it’s time to seriously cash in on its features. The Discover and Recruit Product Expert course, part of the Product Expert Certification Path, will teach you about effective practices and add-ons to help you become a Discover wizard. We’ll take you through landing pages, direct links, and attracting potential partners—all of which is part of the prestigious white label partnership experience.

Who is this for?

What you'll learn?

Course overview
  • Explain the meaning of the White Label Partnership Experience and how brands can benefit from it. 
  • Explain the effective practices brands can adopt during the partner recruitment journey.
  • Explain how the tracking partner recruitment efforts can be done, both manually or automated.
Course details
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